dis is who im talking about. nama dia nurul. sempat la aku singgah kan tgk dia malam tu ada acara berinai besar. pastu she asked me to wait for a while so dpt la amik2 gamba sana sini
hah ni sempat gak la snap gamba dia tgh sanding2 ngan laki dia nih. laki dia nama ape, tak ku tahu wahaha. ala janji dtg ape kan? ekeke menurut si pengantin pompan, dia ngan husband ni satu opis dulu. ye la mana lagi nak temu jodoh? salah satu tempat musti kat opis kan?
motif ku tempekkan gamba pengapit ni sbb dia yg paling berpeluh sakan malam tu. ngalahkan pengantin. sampai tissue aku pun dimintaknye hoho. bukan lap peluh pengantin, lap peluh dia je.
I went to One Utama for a small gathering since Aneem balik bercuti dari Russia for 2 months. Actually Aneem is one of my virtual friend that eventually became real friend in outside world. she's doing medic in Russia. Since Kenny Rogers is my fav, and aneem's too, so we decided to have our lunch there. A bit small ek kenny disitu. haiyakkk. Ade la several people join us, chit chatting, gossiping, laughing and eating. hohoho
Aneem on the left and Nawwar Izyan on the right
both of them are my friends. ku heretkan mereke ikot p small gathering tu hahahaha yey!
After dah jalan2, borak2 kami pun nak balik sebab kene anta syidah balik uitm puncak perdana. tetibe tgh jalan kuar, ternampak Jaja. Jaja is my friend's bro. Dia masuk competition StarCeleb. Dont Forget to vote him k? Remember his code is #37. As example, if u vote for him, by using merchant code for nandos, u will get free 1/4 chicken with rice @ nandos. this bro sangat lah high self esteem to me coz there are several contest yang dia dah join dulu2. saja cube2 nasib kan like malaysian idol coz to him dia join all these programs sbb at least dia had done something differ from other people. thats cool aite?